Department of Business Administration & Management Studies

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Department of Business Administration & Management Studies

1Advance Certificate in Retail Store Manaegement (ACRSM)6 Months8th And Above
2Advance Certificate in Wedding Management (ACWM)6 Months10th And Above
3Advance Course in Counselling and Managerial Operations (ACCMO)1 Year10th And Above
4Advance Course in Marketing (ACM)36 Months10th And Above
5Advance Diploma Business and Marketing Management (ADBMM)2 Year12th And Above
6Advance Diploma in Biotechnology Management (ADBM)2 Year10th And Above
7Advance Diploma in Brand Management (ADBM)2 Year10th And Above
8Advance Diploma in Business Administration (ADBA)2 Year10th And Above
9Advance Diploma in Business Management (ADBM)2 Year10th And Above
10Advance Diploma in Business Studies (ADBS)2 Year12th And Above
11Advance Diploma in Construction Management (ADCM)2 Year10th And Above
12Advance Diploma in Counselling and Front Office Management (ADCFOM)2 Year10th And Above
13Advance Diploma in Food Processing and Preservation (ADFPP)2 Year10th And Above
14Advance Diploma in Human Resource Management (ADHRM)2 Year10th And Above
15Advance Diploma in Logistics (ADL)2 Year10th And Above